BTS w/ Jayden + Julian


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ROD’S ROOM: Man oh man, Jayden Marcos and Julian Brady are… just fucking stellar. These guys know exactly how to create an epic sexual experience that allows them both to shine. Jayden… hot damn. His sweet smile and generous spirit make it easy to fall in love, and Julian is truly a one of a kind performer with an exceptionally talented hole. I can’t wait for you to see what we created.

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  1. Both these guys are hot and sexy. Gotta love the facial scruff on Julian. Looks a bit like one of the Property Brothers. Jayden has a classic look with an appealing smile and fucks really well.

  2. Neither one of these guys does anything for me, and worse than the tattoos has to be those twin shirts they are wearing at the beginning of the set. They look like drapes from a funeral home!

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