DATE WITH MY STEP DAD: Jack Bailey, Michael Roman


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  1. Michael without a doubt

    I know I’m not the first one to say this, however this whole step-dad/step-brother/step-cousin/step-grandfather’s 3rd cousin’s grandson just seems sooo past it’s sell by date.

    I realize that for some men it’s a hot, REAL, very potent and a very early formed fantasy. I respect that. But wouldn’t the portrayal of it less frequently heighten the impact? I know, I know, market forces appear to argue against that point (entire websites dedicated to it).

    Here comes the potentially controversial statement (and I’m not even at all sure of the legality of it), but what if it wasn’t a step-brother? What if it was a brother? VERY MUCH including a statement at the beginning and end about fiction and actors (UNRELATED actors if need be). It’s porn. It’s fantasy. I purposely floated the brother instead of step-brother idea first, but with the same caveats it could be dad instead of step-dad.

    And for my “3rd cent”, step or not step, I far prefer the idea of a 21 year old (step)son who looks like he’s been shaving for the better part of a decade and a 40 year old fit (step)dad (who looks forty, or at least close to it) as opposed to the idea a (step)dad whose just picked up his (step)son from Cub Scouts and has a sex break before driving him to his T-ball game. Those representations to me are far more disturbing than what I described above in the non-step scenarios. But that’s just my opinion.

    Perhaps this gets a shrug, perhaps it initiates a bit of a conversation, likely directs a ton of hate my way LOL

    • * UNRELATED actors if need be as in the disclaimer stating that the actors are unrelated in any way. Throughout my comment I was speaking from the perspective that ALL of the actors in either the step or non-step scenarios would be unrelated.

  2. Michael Roman is a stud. They should go for the old soldier theme from the Greco-Roman days when spilling your seed inside a young soldier’s ass was seen as embolding his masculinity.

  3. Who would’ve guessed we’d get Squirt’s version of “War & Peace” today!!??!?!? Such lengthy treatises cloud one’s vision of hot muscular bodies, long thick cocks and round firm asses…

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