ACTIVE DUTY: Derek Kage and Jay Tee can’t wait to have sex. So, when Derek finally gets the chance to top Jay? The sparks that fly… holy shit. You’ll definitely want to see this one.

ACTIVE DUTY: Derek Kage and Jay Tee can’t wait to have sex. So, when Derek finally gets the chance to top Jay? The sparks that fly… holy shit. You’ll definitely want to see this one.
Both in a heartbeat
Wouldn’t say no to either, but Derek edges forward to win
Both have hot bodies, although Derek would be hotter without the ink. Jay has some hot nips that I’d like to work on. But I doubt that Jay’s hair would ever pass a military inspection.
Would certainly love to play around with Jay as well.
Derek? Pass. If he’d limited the ink to that one single tat on his right arm (if the pics haven’t been flipped), then we could talk but that atrocious sleeve? No.
I’ll take Derek.
Jay is hot and no ink! Derek has way too much ink!