NEXT DOOR ORIGINALS: Delivery man Blain O’Connor is showing trainee Colt Spence the ropes when they happen upon a delivery to Bruce Jones’ house. The sign on the front says ‘delivery in rear’, little do they know, that becomes a double entendre as Bruce seduces the sexy delivery boys to deliver their packages to him as well!


Bruce Jones is hot!
Bruce and Colt can get in my ass anytime
Blain and the one who keeps his black cap on are a yes
No such luck with regards to the title question.
With these guys? No interest in doing so. Way too much ink on all the guys.
Pass on all. Between all of the ink and weird earrings, it’s a total pass.
Pretty much a pass.
Nothing quite like fucking the help. Blain it is, at least for me.
Pass on all three! Excessive ink!