NEXT DOOR STUDIOS: Scott Finn invites Trevor Harris to study for his college exams. But there’s only one problem: Scott is too horny to focus! So how can Trevor solve the situation?

NEXT DOOR STUDIOS: Scott Finn invites Trevor Harris to study for his college exams. But there’s only one problem: Scott is too horny to focus! So how can Trevor solve the situation?
Scott, if had to choose. Trevor plays the nerd well but is not my type, not that either of them are.
Scott is a hottie……wouldn’t say no to Trevor either
As for Model Of The Day: CLEOCENTRISMO……I could be tempted…..it’s certainly yes to quite a few of his co-stars
How many times are they going to repeat this set? Pass on both.
Pass on the model of the day but it would be a yes to some of the other models in his photos.
Trevor but he really needs to dump the glasses; he’s so much more attractive without them. (I know they’re trying to make him look “nerdy” but they didn’t give him a “nerd” hair style or a pocket protector and the clothes don’t really cry “nerd”; if you’re not going to commit to the part, don’t just half-ass it. And, for what it’s worth, not all nerds actually wear glasses.)
YIKES …… I’ll pass. But next time hand me the camera.
MODEL of the DAY ……. I am a SUCKER for an UNCUT MALE. Not to big, not to small,just right for me. Looks like a real participant with all those other studs around him. Let’s give it a try. UNCUTOAK will be waiting.
Neither, not really into twinks, bur Scott at least has chest hair.