COCKY BOYS: In part three of HAPPY ENDINGS, Greyson and Lane find love through passionate and liberating sex. A little romance and a little kink bring these men closer than ever, and Lane ends up fucking a massive load out of Greyson!

COCKY BOYS: In part three of HAPPY ENDINGS, Greyson and Lane find love through passionate and liberating sex. A little romance and a little kink bring these men closer than ever, and Lane ends up fucking a massive load out of Greyson!
Greyson has a shapely ass and makes a good bottom. Lane a solid cock and the right vibe as a top.
Both guys are nice and the ink’s not too distracting.
Both!!! Nice to see 2 hot young guys with “normal” bodies, that look good, rather than the overdone steroid pigs that we usually get.
Lane is stunning…….wouldn’t mind finding him in my bed
Lane is very hot and Greyson is very cute!