DISRUPTIVE FILMS: Finley McClean’s (Adam Awbride) step father, Ronnie Shepherd (Dale Savage), is a widower, and now that Finely’s mother is gone, Finley is very protective over Ronnie. So productive in fact, that he’s convinced Ronnie not to leave the house. The pandemic may be waning, and normal life has continued for many for years, but it hasn’t for Ronnie and as far as Finley is concerned, it won’t.

Dale – love a hot older guy
Adam please……not into old grey Daddy types
Ronnie, of course.
Pass, too creepy
Yes to Adam! Pass on Dale!
adam all day long.
Definitely prefer Adam.
Adam is a cute guy, I’d luv to play with him. No to the old daddy, not my thing. Still find this whole daddy-step son thing very unsettling.
PASS ……. Editors at SQUIRT,PLEASE find a better CONTENT CREATOR.
Can I apply ???