ADAM WIRTHMORE IS QUITE THE LOOKER! Such a sexy hottie. We just want to roll in the hay with this guy… for weeks on end. You just know he smells good… tastes good… feels good. Sigh…
http://justfor.fans/Adam_Wirthmore http://onlyfans.com/adam_wirthmore

Probably a yes and the same with a few of his co-stars
Yes please
1. Happy to be able to comment on a Model of the Day again.
2. Absolutely yes!
3. Yes to some co-stars as well.
4. Only complaint, I could’ve easily gone for several more pics of him!
The hottie whose cute ass he is slapping sure gets me going. Adam himself has nice chest hair and I like how sexually adventurous he is.
Nice! I also love it outdoors!