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It’s Monday morning… here’s a nice slow fuck (with lots of wet kisses). BLOW YOUR LOAD!

Daniel Craig Dons Drag For Women’s Equality via Towleroad


In honor of tomorrow’s International Women’s Day, actor Daniel Craig appears as character James Bond — and then as Bond in drag — for a two-minute video that highlights the plights women face daily, such as unequal pay, lack of access to education and the increased risk of domestic violence.

Hats — or is it wigs? — off to Craig for helping raise awareness of this event. And if you weren’t sure, yes, that is Dame Judi Dench doing the narration.

Read more: http://www.towleroad.com/2011/03/watch-daniel-craig-dons-drag-for-womens-equality.html#ixzz1FwZO8o2z