Rivals: Promotion W/ Julian Brady, Josh Brady


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NEXT DOOR ORIGINALS: Julian Brady has been at his job for awhile and is finally in line for a promotion. The only problem? New hire Josh Brady is really impressing the boss. Now, there’s a fight for the promotion, and it’s causing some intense emotions between the two. When things finally reach a breaking point, things heat up between the two in more ways than one.

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  1. That shot of Josh laying back, legs spread is super hot. I like the dark features of Julian who looks like he could be really slutty.

  2. Josh would be my choice although Julian looks really hot in the photos where he still has his shirt on.

    • As for John Favour the model of the day, he’s a no. And btw, how many times are they going to run John Favour as model of the day. It doesn’t matter he is still a no.

  3. This is the worst fucking set I’ve seen. Not that the guys are bad or anything but NONE OF THE FUCKING LINKS WORK. All the links in the “narrative” lead to a blank page (probably because the URL starts off ww9) and the Twitter/X page “does not exist..” And the description barely tells anything–it may as well have just skipped all the blather and said “they have sex.”

    As to who I’d pick, the clean-cut guy without all the paintings.

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