Cliff Jensen

THE EASY LIFE W/ Roman Todd, Cliff Jensen

DISRUPTIVE FILMS: Aaron Terry (Roman Todd) and Mason Garrison (Cliff Jensen) are movie stars who accepted the challenge of living 'The Easy Life' on...
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Step-Dad’s Hot Date W/ Cliff Jensen, Roman Todd, Masyn Thorne

NEXT DOOR STUDIOS: Roman Todd wants everything to go perfectly tonight; he's introducing his stepson, Masyn Thorne, to his boyfriend, Cliff Jensen. However, when...

A Cowboy & A Gentleman W/ Jack Bailey, Cliff Jensen

DISRUPTIVE FILMS: Justin O'Neal's family is sick of his spoiled and entitled behavior. They send Justin (Jack Bailey) to a remediation ranch to curb...
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CLIFF JENSEN keeps that "BAD BOY" persona alive and well. It's his thing. He's such a sexy fucker. Who wouldn't want him pounding your...

TRUST W/ Cliff Jensen, Des Irez

DISRUPTIVE FILMS: Tommy Hutchinson (Cliff Jensen) is an Olympic coach and physical therapist who takes his star athlete, Cody Salgado (Des Irez) on a...
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