FAMILY CREEP: Ant Vega walks into the massage parlor on his stepson Sage Roux with the intention of getting something more than a body rub. Will the stepdad get the extra tantric pleasure? Watch and see what happens!

FAMILY CREEP: Ant Vega walks into the massage parlor on his stepson Sage Roux with the intention of getting something more than a body rub. Will the stepdad get the extra tantric pleasure? Watch and see what happens!
Don’t think I would say no to the top but the supposed stepson is a yes…..
As for Model Of The Day: Kevin……fuck yes!!!!…..he can be my friend anytime……gorgeous, great body, great arse…..near perfection
I would agree with you 100% ….. except I think this is the first MODEL of the DAY did not have a COCK PIC.
Being an arse man I’m not bothered, but I do appreciate that to guys like yourself UNCUTOAK, you want to see cock…..yeah you well could be right there
Pass, I wasn’t impressed by either.
Sage Roux is long and lean. Has a sweetness to him.
While I still find the whole Family Creep thing disturbing, I would luv to play with the dad this time.
It would be a tougher call if Ant didn’t have all that ink so Sage easily wins the contest here.