DISRUPTIVE FILMS: In the second episode of our ‘office’ inspired romp, Danny Platt (Trevor Harris) is interviewed about his not-so-secret office affair with Dave Nash (Colt Spence).

DISRUPTIVE FILMS: In the second episode of our ‘office’ inspired romp, Danny Platt (Trevor Harris) is interviewed about his not-so-secret office affair with Dave Nash (Colt Spence).
Trevor is cute with a nice arse……would never say no to him…….Colt is quite sexy despite the ink and the ridiculous holes in his earlobes…….he would have to flip-fuck though
Neither quite do it for me but can see Trevor being hot to top and Colton good to ride.
Model of the day, Braxton is a hung hottie.
Yes you Trevor! Pass on Colt! Too much ink!
Model of the Day is a Pass due to distracting ink!
These two aren’t what I would normally find erotic. However, sometimes change can be hot. I don’t care for Trevor’s pasty white skin. It just makes him look anemic. Colton has a hot body and a nice package, but the ear thing is a bit of a turn-off.
The Model of the Day, Braxton is very hot. I don’t know that I could handle his equipment, but I’d like to try.
Kindly pass.
Trevor is a cutie, but too pale and skinny. I don’t like Colt’s ear holes.
Model of the day has a solid body, and a sexy, hairy chest. Doubt I could ride that monster cock but would luv to try.
Is the bottom even old enough to drive?
When skinny meets cute you get Trevor Harris.