NEXT DOOR TABOO: Andrew Delta just doesn’t get along with his step-dad Greg Dixxon. He’s always barging in and they don’t seem to share any of the same hobbies. But when a cleaning project uncovers an old wrestling singlet, the guys discover they might have something in common after all.

Despite the ink, Andrew please…..
I’ll take Greg. The ink isn’t a problem; it’s more traditional–and limited. Andrew has a nice body but, unfortunately, he’s ruined it with all that atrocious ink.
Dear God, PASS! This whole pervy step dad thing is getting old. And disturbing. Although, the top does deliver a damn fine pounding.
I totally agree. Between the constant fisting sets, the incest crap and the looking way too young guys, the sets get more disturbing and promote negative stereotypes. Doesn’t matter if the actors are attractive.
Andrew is cute. Sweet face and nice body.
getting past the (always) putrid attempt at a plot, i would play with both…simultaneously if necessary
I laughed, I cried, I came in his mouth. Predictable and stereotypically cliche with all the emotions from A to B.
Can’t their hotness stand out on their own without the taboo gay incestuous non-plot?