ACTIVE DUTY: Brock Kniles and Liam Hunt wanted to get to fucking so bad, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. So when Brock finally tops Liam? It’s fucking fantastic.

ACTIVE DUTY: Brock Kniles and Liam Hunt wanted to get to fucking so bad, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. So when Brock finally tops Liam? It’s fucking fantastic.
Both are pretty hot but Brock has the edge for me
Both are hot but Brock wins as he has the cropped /skinhead look that I go for
Nothing outstanding here. But Liam would do if I had been trapped on a deserted island for 6 months.
Kindly pass.
Liam. Definitely Liam.
Brock’s got way too much ink for my taste. (Even without the ink, he’s just meh.)
Love to spend a weekend in bed with Liam😛