DISRUPTIVE FILMS: Tanner Willard (Kyle Wyncrest) and Eli Shae (Des Irez) are stepbrothers who have been mistreated for the last time. They’ve dealt with the people who are supposed to protect them doing anything but and they know it’s not going to change unless they change. They make a plan to be free, but will they have the stomach for carrying it out?

Kyle is fucking beautiful
I’d pass on both of these guys. If forced to choose, I’d pick Kyle. Even without the ink, Des is just not that appealing to me and Kyle kind of has that “Seinfeld two-face” vibe (the episode where Jerry dates a woman who looks different depending on the lighting–excluding the ink, Kyle looks good in some pics but much less so in others).
Kyle please
Total pass!!!!!
Both have hot bodies. Des is a little too queenie for my taste. Kyle excites me more.
Kyle – good looking guy, lean body, sexy belly stripe. The video is a total waste – all talking and no fucking. WTF?
Hard Pass! Excessive ink!