ROD’S ROOM: I finally decided that I shouldn’t make the models wait to be with each other. It’s almost torture for them. So after a very sexy photoshoot with the incredible Brandon Anderson and sexy Elliot Finn? I let Elliot have at Brandon! And then? Brandon topped Elliot in a way that I haven’t seen before. It was incredible. I’m very glad I didn’t make them wait.

Elliot has the edge for me……not sure I would say no to Justin though
I would choose Elliot.
Elliot has a ton of social media posts telling how he was gay for pay. Sorry, I find that to be a complete cop out! I’m tired of these closet cases who can’t even admit they’re Bi. Once I learned his stance, his attractiveness took a fat shit!
I agree with SicilianMikey about Elliot. He needs to man up and admit that he’s at the very least bi. Frankly the term gay for pay is rather stupid. All performers get paid, although probably not enough. But Elliot trying to imply that he is straight simply won’t fly when he has a dick up his ass.
PASS ……. agree with my fellow SQUIRTERS. Nice fotos though,but no COCK !!!
Both – 2 super hot guys, lean muscular bodies, Elliot is a cutie. And I couldn’t give a fuck whether they consider themselves bi or gay for pay, no business of mine.
Total Pass! Too much ink!