ACTIVE DUTY: Liam Hunt is really good at helping new recruit Mick Marlo get into the swing of things. You can tell that they’re super into each other. So, when these two finally get to the flip fucking, you know you’re in for a good time.

ACTIVE DUTY: Liam Hunt is really good at helping new recruit Mick Marlo get into the swing of things. You can tell that they’re super into each other. So, when these two finally get to the flip fucking, you know you’re in for a good time.
Both are hot…..the tats are a bit silly but can put up with that……
I would choose Liam whom I had only seen as a bottom until now but shows here that he can pound ass just as well.
Dude with the chest hair wins it.
I’ll go mick with hot bod, big cock tats and all.
Give me Liam. Mick’s a bit pasty for my taste (it could just be the lighting) but all the silly ink doesn’t help matters.
Liam, Like Joey Mick is too pasty and his ink doesn’t help either.
Liam! I would luv to suck those nipples and play with his chest hair as we cuddle post fuck.
Liam! Mick is cute but has too much ink!