NEXT DOOR ORIGINALS: Fraternity Fantasies: Making Something Extra: Andrew Miller and Masyn Thorne are broke frat bros, but when Andrew comes up with an idea to make some cash, Masyn is hesitant. Will Andrew convince him? Or will Masyn find another way to do so?

I admire the cheeky brashness of Masyn to be looking at his phone while fucking. As a sweet succulent bottom, Andrew is hard to resist and gets my vote.
You didn’t watch the video, did you? He’s “looking at his phone while fucking” because he’s using the phone’s CAMERA feature to record the fucking.
Just a test here. I managed to post a reply to an existing comment but I’ve tried THREE times to post my own “standalone” comment but nothing’s showing up.
Test again.
Okay–now it seems I can post my own comments. If this works, I’ll post my intended comment.
I give up. Something’s royally fucked here. I CANNOT post my own comment about preferring Masyn. FIVE FUCKING TIMES, already and nada. But, I’ve had no problem with other comments (as everyone can see).
This site’s really getting on my last fucking nerve what with the constant need to “log in”–just about every other day now IF I can log in at all. But now, when I’m logged in, it’s not letting me post consistently.
Okay. Let’s try this:
Prefer Masyn.
No use for Andrew.
Now, I’m getting “You’re posting comments too quick. Slow down.”
Well, if the site would stop blocking the comment I’ve been trying to post now (5 times in the last 13 minutes), I wouldn’t need to be posting “too quick.”
Apparently, we’ve got a block on the word “u*ly” since I can’t seem to make that comment about Andrew’s ink.
So, let’s try “unfortunately and unnecessarily distracting which mars his otherwise appealing aesthetic.”
(Had to make it long enough to hopefully get around the “too quick” blockade.)
(For those who don’t get it, insert a “g” where the * is. That seems to be the no-no word of the day. It’s the only word I used in the 5 prior comment attempts that seems to have raised somebody’s hackles.)
Maybe it’s time to consider a new hobby!
As someone that was in a fraternity during my college years, this is totally unbelievable. No one ever gets that much privacy in their rooms, let alone in a common area. Neither guy appears to be anywhere close to college age, and they both look more like street hustlers than frat boys.
Both are hot
Masyn is hot! Andrew’s ink is distracting!