ASG MAX: Meet Colton Strong, Michael Avenue & Sumner Blayne! Three new to ASG models, ready to show you what they’ve got! Which Amateur has what it takes to be a Pro? What do you like about each of the guys? Which shaky rookie model deserves a shot to come prove himself again? Who do you want to see them paired with? Which brands will they fit? The choice is yours! Tell us what you think in the comments. Help your favorites get another shot!

Colton despite the ink
Pass on Colton, but the other two are pretty hot.
Sumner and Michael! Pass on Colton! Distracting ink!
Michael if only allowed one choice. Add Sumner if a second choice is allowed.
I’ll pass on Colton though.
Michael is kind of cute, nice arms, great pits, he needs to even out his tan lines.
Sumner first then Michael next.