NEXT DOOR TABOO: The youth of today will do anything for likes, and this ballsy stepson is no different. After getting the approval of his circle of peers, Stepson Nick Floyd decides to adorn his graduation robe without any clothing underneath only to embarrass his family by exposing his naked aroused cock to the entire graduating class and their loved ones. Initially elated with pride for his valedictorian stepson and now mortified, Stepdad Roman drags Nick home to… scold him.

Roman although Nick has a cute little arse, so it would be difficult to say no to him
Roman, no question.
Creeping is creeping as creeping does
Both – Roman has a great body and looks amazing with the scruff and Nick is cute as hell, has a tight body and a sweet, smooth ass.
I’d love to play with them both. I’d like to lick out the come from Nick’s hole, kiss his red cheeks. Roman could give me aa spanking and I’d suck the cum and nicks juice from his big cock.
I want them both to double dick my ass, and hopefully get them both in my mouth at the same time!!!!!!