NEXT DOOR RAW: Few words, intense looks, gorgeous men and fantastic cocks. One night with Jake (Roman Todd) in the city will blow your mind. Starring Roman Todd and Theo Brady.

NEXT DOOR RAW: Few words, intense looks, gorgeous men and fantastic cocks. One night with Jake (Roman Todd) in the city will blow your mind. Starring Roman Todd and Theo Brady.
Roman though Theo is quite cute and could be tempted
99% of the time I see Roman’s name, automatically him. Now if he’s paired with someone on his level, both. Roman wins this…easily.
theo. slim, fit, cock and face. theo
Roman for sure. Theo isn’t even in the same league.
Yum, both please! Roman is hot as ever, has a great body and the scruff nicely offsets the smooth pretty boy look. Theo is cute and has a tight , lean body, he can twerk on my cock anytime.
Neither! Pass! If Roman did not have all that ink all over his body I would pick him! I do not understand why anyone with a nice body would ruin it with tattoo’s all over it!.