NEXT DOOR BUDDIES: Elliot Finn and Scott Finn are having a secret office affair. But all hell breaks loose when their boss Brock Johnsyn catches them. In an effort to save their asses, Elliot and Scott invite Brock for a threesome. But, will Brock take the bait? Or will he punish his employees?

Scott has always been a favourite of mine……
Elliot has a hot body and olive complexion but there is something about Scott with his wry smile that speaks to me more.
Elliot, always, and Scott
Brock. The other two guys are cute but their tattoo’s are a distracrion.
Typo- distraction
Any one or all 3! Brock has a huge cock and nice chest hair. When are u precious bitches going to quit whining about tat’s? They are a fact of life, get over it.
No. EVERYONE has their preferences and THAT is a “fact of life” so YOU can “get over it.” And, for some people, tats distract from an otherwise hot body. When are you going to stop your own “whining?”
Brock is the hot one in this group. Scott is pasty white and always looks sickly, and Elliot always has that stupid shit eating grin on his face. Plus both Scott and Elliot are all inked up.
Yeah, Scott is inked up and pasty but he just oozes sex.