Twink Top – New Recruit: New recruit Andrew Powers showed up on the practice field unannounced, asking for a shot to show us coaches what he could bring to the team. I couldn’t help but agree to it; I knew from his reputation that Andrew could be a bit aloof and standoffish. I could also see that all the boy really needed was some guidance and someone willing to believe in him…

Max does it for me more than Andrew!
Max Romano all the way for me.
Max for me too…..
Oh yeah, Max for sure!
Happy with both or either but Andrew really needs to lose the cap.
I still don’t understand why so many TwinkTop models wear those caps during the sex scenes. The only time I find them “sexy” is when the guy’s got the cap on backwards and a tuft of hair shows through the opening (even when the cap’s worn normally and there’s a tuft of hair sticking out through the opening, I find that really appealing). But these guys who fully shave their heads or buzz cut their hair and then wear the ball caps indoors? Just don’t do it.
Yeah, the cap is kind of strange. Plus Andrew is so pale that I doubt that he has ever been outside long enough to need a cap.
Max, no question.
Max for sure – Solis body, nice ass, luv the scruff and the hairy chest.
Max, no doubt about it.
Andrew is cute! Pass on Max!