NAKED SWORD: The sun is out, the water is cool, and Boomer Banks is about to have some public summertime sex with Crush Daddy. Outdoors where any nosy neighbor can see them, Boomer swallows his tattooed buddy’s big dick, bends over to be barebacked from behind, and then drops to his knees to eat up Crush Daddy’s creamy load.

They both have ruined their body with excessive ink especially Boomer……having said that, if they kept a shirt on, I could be tempted by either
Pass on both of these ink junkies.
Hard Pass on both! Excessive ink!
I wish Crush Daddy had a full head of hair instead of a mohawk as he has a nice face and would look less severe. He would still make a strong top. Boomer is very sexual and bottoms well.
Pass. And not because of the ink, neither really does it for me.