SEAN CODY: Shirtless Ian and Brysen admire one another’s bodies as they toss a football around. Back at the studio, they get to see the whole package of their partner, and it not long before the cock gobbling and ass ramming begins!

Ian is really yummy.
Brysen is hot despite the ink….Ian is okay, so not sure I would say no
Despite the ink, I believe I could have a good time with either or both, especially Ian.
Literally didn’t even pay attention to Brysen’s ink. He’s too hot and I’m not shallow. So many anti ink Karens on here. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Your unnecessary comment proves how shallow you truly are!
Everyone here has a right to his own opinion; you don’t have to like it. Ignore it and move on, but check your attitude and reign in it.
You’ve expressed your own “preferences” and dismissed plenty of guys in other sets because they don’t match up to your specific likes. You may think you’re not “shallow” but you are.
They are both smoking hot
Ian is hot! Great body, nice eyes, awesome smile, thick cock, YUM!
Two good-looking guys who’ve made some really poor choices when it comes to ink.
Both are hot guys but the ink on both are distracting!