ACTIVE DUTY: Daniel Evans and Cody Arizona star in ‘Daniel Drills Cody’ on digital, the latest bareback extravaganza from director Jared Camelon. HOT STUFF!!!

ACTIVE DUTY: Daniel Evans and Cody Arizona star in ‘Daniel Drills Cody’ on digital, the latest bareback extravaganza from director Jared Camelon. HOT STUFF!!!
I wouldn’t mind drilling Cody…..he’s hot…..Daniel has a nice body and a lovely arse……don’t think I would say no to him
Want Daniel to drill me
Maybe both.
They are both hot but I think it might be more fun fucking Cody. He looks more fun.
LOOK into the CAMERA BOYS. Pretend that your liking the ACT we have an audience to PLEASE.
Cody! Hot muscular body, and amazing nipples.
Pass! Both guys ruined those hot bodies with ink!