THE BRO NETWORK: Chemistry transcends language, and when carpenter Mateo Tomas and electrician Felix Trainor unexpectedly find themselves on the same construction site, workflows clash and each other is constantly underfoot. At the end of the day, teamwork prevails and the hunky contractors express the attraction that’s been simmering all day. Mateo may not know much French, but a suggestive lyric has the sexual tension boiling over, and they react with a passionate flip-fuck on site.

They guy in the white hardhat please……no to the other in the yellow one
Felix all the way!
Pass on Mateo or Matt Troy or whatever he calls himself these days.
The taller guy with the smooth chest.
Felix is sexy and more my type.
Both guys are Hot!
Both men are hot. Either or both.
Both, love that first pic, mad my mouth water