NEXT DOOR RAW: You know what’s hot? Having sex in a sex swing? You know what’s even hotter? Flip fucking in a sex swing. Elliot Finn and Johnny Ford know how to get down and dirty in this steamy scene.

NEXT DOOR RAW: You know what’s hot? Having sex in a sex swing? You know what’s even hotter? Flip fucking in a sex swing. Elliot Finn and Johnny Ford know how to get down and dirty in this steamy scene.
Elliot please….
Johnny. Gay porn was just a check for Elliot. He’s on Instagram constantly trying to convince everyone he’s straight.
So? He’s taking dick up the ass; he’s sucking cock; he seems to enjoy it all. There’s plenty of evidence of it. If he wants to identify as straight, what of it? You can find plenty of Squirt members who identify as straight but advertise they’re “looking to suck cock” or they mark “bottom” for their position.
Until/unless he goes around saying he was “forced” into gay porn, I’m not going to worry about how he identifies.
Hard to resist Elliot’s cute boyish looks. Johnny if in the mood for facial scruff and more mature.
Elliot is a cute guy, has a nice body and cock, and the chest/belly hair is hot.