FALCON/ HOT HOUSE: Michael and Phoenix decide to take turns fucking each other!

FALCON/ HOT HOUSE: Michael and Phoenix decide to take turns fucking each other!
Maybe Michael Boston after the last call at a bar. Total pass on Phoenix Leo.
Both! Michael is muscular with a great ass, while Phoenix is lean and has sexy nipples.
Michael Boston. He has that allure with just enough meat to really sink your teeth into and a firm, thick cock.
Michael has a decent thick cock, but i prefer the skinhead look of Phoenix Leo!
Big pass on these two.
Michael Boston does nothing for me so it will be Phoenix……gorgeous with a lovely arse
pass on both. Who ever choises the dailey Squirt hardly ever gets my vote
Would go for Michael, but after he regrows the hair on the sides of his head. That style is utterly atrocious (but, at least he’s not gone full skull-shaved).