MEN OVER 30: From armpit licking to penetrating anal, the harness clad Ben Brooks and Musclebear Montreal go hard as hell in this piggy fuckfest. Hard Pounding Silver Daddies!

MEN OVER 30: From armpit licking to penetrating anal, the harness clad Ben Brooks and Musclebear Montreal go hard as hell in this piggy fuckfest. Hard Pounding Silver Daddies!
I guess they are having a good time even if as a spectator, I am not.
they are nice looking men but all that get up and the tough man wanna be persona is rificulous
While I applaud senior citizens that can still get it on, that doesn’t mean I want to view it.
Well, two thoughts come to mind:
1–I doubt anyone FORCED you to look at the set (much less comment on it) since it’s on the home page with a decent “preview” of what’s (and who’s) to come.
2–From what your profile says (unless there’s another Squirt user with the same name), you’re not too far from the “senior citizen” spot yourself and there’s probably a large number of folks who won’t want to watch you having sex (or who won’t want to have sex with you).
There ARE other ways to express your displeasure with a set (if you feel compelled to comment).
Eh. Not really all that into either guy but I’d rather spend time with Ben–Musclebear has too many tats for my liking.
Daddy bears generally not my scene
Well Joey after viewing your profile I can see why you may be insecure, and feel you had to reply.
i appreciate both guys …. tatts and all