MEN: Twink Trip (3): On Jake’s road trip, he strolls down to the river, where he spies Jordan lying nude on a blanket. Jordan invites him to get naked and share his blanket, and soon Jordan is downing Jake’s thick cock!

Sure wish my “strolls down” to a river led to seeing that lovely sight.
Bit young for me but I woud find it difficult to say no to Jake
Too young for me…kinda cute though.
OMG hands down fukin gorgeous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Creamy, buttery boys. Jake is a sweet looking top and Jordan has that artsy bottom look.
They are both cute, but I’d have to have proof that they were of legal age.
Both in a flash, but Jordan just has that “fuck me now!” look. And he has great hair.
Are these two old enough to drive?