MEN OVER 30: After a hard workout at the gym, Heath Halo and Scott DeMarco start complimenting each other and it doesn’t take long for their words to turn to action. Their passion culminate into a heated sex scene in the locker room.

MEN OVER 30: After a hard workout at the gym, Heath Halo and Scott DeMarco start complimenting each other and it doesn’t take long for their words to turn to action. Their passion culminate into a heated sex scene in the locker room.
Neither do anything much for me but will go for Scott…..
Putting aside the ink and PA, Model Of The Day: Papito I could be tempted by……good-looking, great body, and a lovely arse
Heath gets my vote. An enthusiastic performer and I love hearing his vocalizations.
The Model of the Day; Papito is super hot, and a definite yes for me. His ink shows a plan and isn’t random nonsense so I’m fine with that. As for the prince albert, I’ve never encountered one but would welcome the opportunity to discuss it with Papito.
Scott gets me going.
Papito is a hottie
I’ll go for Scott.
yes to Heath, maybe to Scott
Both guys are hot. Heath has amazing nipples and Scott has a nice cock. Both guys would be hotter with a beard trim, down to a nice scruff.
Model of the day is a hottie – gorgeous guy, spectacular body, sexy biceps, an amazing ass, I could play with him.
Yes to Scott! Pass on Heath! Excessive ink!