River screws Brysen @ Sean Cody


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SEAN CODY: After their workout, River and Brysen are horny, especially when they start stripping down in the locker room. And you know what that means!

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  1. How miserable must one be to CONSTANTLY—ad nauseam—bitch about the ink on another’s body? It’s FANTASY, that’s all! I don’t get this shit. I have several female Facebook friends who share pics of well-built men, some are inked, some are heavily inked. Barely ever does a commenter bitch about the dude’s ink. Hell, most of the commenters are turned on by how hot and rugged they look. And these women realize it’s fantasy. But, I guess if one has to comment first damn near daily, it’s a good tell what’s really going on.

    And another thing, no one comes here for videos. Do like everyone else, Google until you find it somewhere. It’s really that simple. But why does one have to bitch over and over and over…ad infinitum about ink and lack of videos? Get a new shtick, this one’s played out! I’m waiting…and I mean waiting for one of the models featured to chime in and call people out. First model who does, I owe him a beer, even if I have to send him the means to buy his own it via cash app!

    Now, I won’t be all Petty Lupone (😁😁😁😁) about them, both.

    • Well, your “female friends” are sick.
      Look, YOU have bitched about hair length in the past (mostly the guys’ hair is too long) and the simple fact is we ALL have our likes and dislikes, even about “fantasy” images.
      Personally (that means “what *I* like”–and to fuck with your choices), I do not like guys with a lot of ink. One or two small (or smallish) tats don’t bother me. Even one relatively large tat doesn’t really bother me (I’ve mentioned in the past about Cody Seiya, when he just had that red yen symbol, I found him really hot and would love to have done him but now, with all the added ink he’s sporting, I’m just not attracted). But tats that cover whole body parts is just fucking disgusting and used to be limited to circus freak shows. But now, for some reason (likely a kind of addiction), too many guys (and girls as well, but I don’t give a shit about women sexually so it doesn’t bother me as much) seem to feel a need to cover as much of their bodies with ink as they can. Fine. They can do whatever the hell they want with their bodies but I’m also just as free to express my dislike for the inked bodies.

      As far as women and their likes are concerned, well, considering how many women have spent the past several years thinking that Donald Trump is a “real man” and “sexy,” I don’t put much stock in what women like. Some really hot female models (Paulina Porizkova and Christie Brinkley, off the top of my head) married guys who pretty much did NOT look like heartthrobs (Ric Ocasek and Billy Joel, respectively) and Carrie Fisher was married to Paul fucking Simon for a couple of decades. Gay men are still men and tend to view physical appearance over other attributes (like intelligence and money) and a tattoo–or a body literally covered from head to toe in tattoos–is a physical attribute.

      I appreciate art so I can appreciate a tattoo on its artistic merit or value. That don’t mean I want to fuck the guy sporting it.

      And, if you don’t like it, well, feel free to bitch about THAT (just as your whole comment is a bitchfest about another commenter’s “bitching”).

      • Bitch about hair length? No, I said I’d like to *see* more men featured with long hair. Why would I bitch when mine is damn near to the middle of my back? My point, it’s tiresome several of you have to bitch about everything or every minute detail. So what, they have ink! Bitching about it isn’t going to change it!

        Yeah, the guys who’re pretty boy/bad boys are a turn on for me. There’s a certain look that drives me wild. Plenty of women are into the rugged type with ink! So what, who cares! Never once have ANY of you who bitch relentlessly EVER bothered to thank the man who posts here for us! Just bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch…

        Y’all remind men of the chat room trolls on AOL in the old M4M rooms. Always bitter, bitchy, and butthurt! 99% of the time I keep my extra opinions to myself. But the same ol tired trolls who think only their opinions matter or that rest of us care that much about what you think in the first place.

        Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’m overlooking the obvious. The vast majority of us don’t care what your gripes are but, meanwhile, maybe this area is really all ya have going in your lives.

        You say you like expressing what you like/don’t like. Fair point. Bigger point, do any of you honestly think the rest of us care? You say these things because you want us to or think we do. In all actuality, we don’t. I’ll get messages all the time thanking me for calling you guys out! A few times the sender will say they’ve interacted with some of you and their opinions aren’t good…at all. But hey, if this is y’all have going, far be it from me to try changing your minds. Being honest, this area is as important to many of you as Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy are to a lot of elderly. The rest of us don’t get it, we just let ya sit and bitch…

  2. Brysen – assuming he is the dark haired guy – super cute, nice eyes, great smile and a gorgeous ass.

    And I agree with SiciLianMikey – enough whining about the ink. Tats are a part of contemporary society and are not going away. Suck it up and get used to it. And would u really turn down one of these super hot guys because of some ink? I fucking doubt it. So suck it up and deal with it.

    • Um, YES. I WOULD really turn down one of these *guys* because of excessive ink.

      You don’t fucking know me, so don’t presume to think you know who I would or would not “turn down.”

      Would YOU turn down a “super hot guy” if you discovered he had a vagina and no penis? (You know–a TRANS guy. They do exist.)

      We ALL have our likes and dislikes. I’m sure YOU have things that turn you off. (I’m not going to go back through the comments for all these articles just to check but I’m sure you’ve highlighted only one or two pics in the various “Umm Wow” articles instead of a comment along the lines of “I’d do all those guys.”) Please don’t pretend that you’re better than anyone else (unless you are a real bona fide slut and would do anyone or anything with a dick that approached you).

      As for “part of contemporary society,” big fucking deal. So were mullets. And flannel shirts. And acid-washed jeans. Mullets could be cut and hair restyled. Shirts and jeans could go in the trash. Tats, unfortunately, are permanent. And some of these ink junkies are going to be looking pretty rough when they hit their 60s and 70s and 80s (unless they hit the gym daily) to keep those tats from turning into crap.

      There are cultures out there (notably the Maori) where tattoos are a part of their actual culture and not some whatever fucking reason/excuse people have for wanting to get inked. I can appreciate tats that are done because the culture demands it (mainly as a rite of passage into adulthood) but, again, that doesn’t mean that I’m not free to post my dislike of the ink.

      Oh. Also, you know that circumcision is a feature of “contemporary society” (at least in America) but I’ve seen a lot of negative posts about cut guys as well as a lot of negative posts about uncut guys and almost no man has had anything to say about the cut/uncut status of his dick. There are some men who undergo circumcision as adults for medical reasons–primarily involving phimosis–or because they’ve converted to Judaism or Islam but most guys get the procedure when they’re infants.. Still doesn’t keep people from complaining about circumcision status.

  3. I’d prefer Brysen but I’d also prefer it if he hadn’t started sporting more ink. That shield was just about pushing my limits when it comes to what works for me. But the extra ink he’s got? Pass.

  4. Both are hot men; edge to Brysen.

    What a bitch fest we have going on here today! Time to find a new hobby boys!

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