MEN: Hung Boys Don’t Cry: Trevor shows up at Dom’s house and finds him crying because his GF left him. Turns out it’s because Dom wouldn’t fuck her, and Trevor has a solution to that problem!

MEN: Hung Boys Don’t Cry: Trevor shows up at Dom’s house and finds him crying because his GF left him. Turns out it’s because Dom wouldn’t fuck her, and Trevor has a solution to that problem!
Wish Trevor would bottom for me…..he’s hot…..no to Dom King
Dom is hot, but I don’t care for Trevor’s pale skin and ink.
After a second look, I believe I could have a great time with either or both men.
Dom King is sexy. I like his scruff, smile and strawberry blond look. Trevor is a sweet bottom.
They are both smoking hot, but Trevor is beyond beautiful
I was gunna say Dom…I’ll say both.
I’ll take Dom. Not wild about Trevor’s ink (it’s not really a deal-breaker but I’d prefer it not to be there; between the ink and the hair, the hair’s the bigger issue) but I’d go for Dom first.
Dom! Truly handsome man, great hair, amazing body and cock, and he looks really masculine with the scruff and chest hair. He can fuck me any where, any time.