Introducing Squirt Studios is proud to announce the expansion of our platform with the launch of Squirt Studios! Squirt Studios, is our new porn studio producing adult video content, inspired by member-submitted Cocktales found on
For years members have told us about their hottest hookups and wildest fantasies through the erotic stories they submit to Cocktales. We’ve chosen our faves and cast some of the hottest guys around in the starring roles. You might just see some familiar scenarios in Squirt Studios videos.
Squirt Studios content is exclusively available on JustFor.Fans, where subscribers will have access to a constantly updated selection of the sexiest porn.
New videos and behind the scenes photos are available now, with even more in the works to provide you with a constantly evolving collection of the hottest porn. Enjoy scenes from some of your fave adult entertainers below, and discover new up-and-coming performers that can’t wait to show off for you.

I got this notice in my Squirt email and this doesn’t do any more as far as informing current Squirt users about the site. Does my user profile and password automatically transfer or do I need to create a brand new user ID and password? The only “help” offered on the “JustforFans” page involves credit card information but NOTHING about getting started. Then, there’s the “subscription” bit: Do I have to pay an additional $7.99 (monthly? weekly? yearly?) to access it or is that covered by my subscription?
And the above article doesn’t tell us anything to explain this.
And I’m really concerned about this part:
“For years members have told us about their hottest hookups and wildest fantasies through the erotic stories they submit to Cocktales. We’ve chosen our faves and cast some of the hottest guys around in the starring roles.”
Are the “members” who’ve contributed their “hottest hookups and wildest fantasies” being compensated for THEIR stories being turned into porn content? I mean, it’s really one thing if a studio or amateur porn performer “borrows” one of these stories and turns it into content without paying any kind of royalties or one-time payment but when the site that hosts these stories is turning around and using member contributions for content (which presumably is being paid for by subscriptions), it just seems really underhanded. Sure, there may be some kind of thrill to see your story acted out by top porn stars but after you see a dozen of your stories that way and you’re not getting any cash for your work (even though money is obviously changing hands somewhere), it seems pretty close to theft of intellectual property.
Again, though, my main concern is about “joining” the site. If I’m already a member of “JustforFans,” then I have access? If I’m a member of, I don’t?
I’ve said for years it only makes sense that Squirt makes movies. I have to agree with Joey on several of his points. I mean, if I’d submitted some stories and I wasn’t getting compensation, I’d be downright pissed. Yeah, Squirt may own the submitted stories but, these events happened to actual members. And what about guys who’ve left? That’s it, Squirt can do whatever it wants and they might be none the wiser?
I would’ve preferred the movies were made available here as part of a Fan Club subscription. I think I would’ve finally been tempted to go from Basic to Fan Club. But I’m not going to waste money on stuff that may or may not be interested in. Look, we all have our preferences, I’m not going to just subscribe and find a few things I’d like. Or spend hours looking for what I’m into.
Let’s face it, some of the stories on Cocktales are just bad, boring, poorly written, way too short to get aroused by, and a myriad of other things. Now if we’d gotten a free trial here to know what’s available, great. But if I were going to pay for content, there’re tons of actual porn stars I enjoy and I’d rather give them my money vs not knowing if these people are my speed and if it’d actually be worth it.
This reminds me of Threads, it was rushed, it could be so much more, but they wanted to capitalize on Twitter’s decline. There’re a shit ton of porn sites, Just For Fans, and free sites. Squirt needs to upsell this to really entice people to subscribe. It all sounds too vague right now.
For what it’s worth, the Squirt Studios thing does seem to be a part of the “JustforFans” site–not its own separate thing. But that was part of my question: If I have a Fan Club membership on Squirt and I only want to use the “Squirt Studios” thing, does my Fan Club membership transfer to that? Or do I have to create a whole new account (new user ID and password) because of the “JustforFans” connection?
Interesting. But I’m still bothered by the fact these authors might not see a dime.
For paid up squirt members that should be enough money – couldn’t they make this kind of thing part of the squirt site and not something separate that you will probably need to pay even more money for.
“Available exclusively on JustForFans.” Why? Why not here? Why not give your fan club members an opportunity to act?
I for one am not a JFF member, nor will I become one. Major kudos for being creative. I love the concept, not the vehicle!
i would love to make bareback porn moves
i would love to make bareback porn moves and love to have a gangbang
I agree with many of the comments so far. Happy to have somebody read and get off on one of my cocktales, HOWEVER, I do not like the idea of the possibility of one of them being turned into a movie with no aknowegement of the author, consent for it to be used, and of course some sort of stipend.
Guys. Even though they say the vids are based on user generated stories, the content is going to be so vague that users aren’t going to be able to tell who’s stories. Even if you could, once submitted, your story becomes their property.
Your account on squirt isn’t going to transfer over, but you MIGHT get a credit for being a paying member.
Why bother? There’s literally thousands of free porn sites out there.