CHAOS MEN: These two gay hunks are shirtless in their denim jeans, kissing madly. After stripping down naked, the insane cock sucking begins and then leads into a ravenous 69 with sensual ass rimming!

Both are hot although slight edge goes to Gio…..he has a lovely fuckable arse
Was good seeing him get fucked in the VIDEO…..it was so hot…..wish it was me doing it though
There is NO “video.” There is a LINK to another site.
If the “video” is not ON THIS SITE and able to play for everyone ON THIS SITE, there is no video.
Keep hooking though. Maybe someone will take you up. And maybe it won’t be someone at “X” who decides to block your access. (Don’t worry. I’m not going to rat you out for your potentially illegal activity.)
There IS a VIDEO if it can be seen dumbo…..the link IS on this site, so there IS a VIDEO
I will not be mentioning my offer again…..just watch those stubborn enough not to take me up on it…..no skin off my nose
Gio is insanely hot
I want to flip fuck with Gio.
Andy is cute young lad who I would bottom for but prefer to top. Gio is manly which I like.
I could go for both.
Andy is a hottie!