We find Justin Eros reclining on the bed as he delivers his candid interview. This adorable, hunky, friendly Hispanic stud is happy to be with us in-studio and is looking forward to working with Chaos!

Justin identifies as gay, but has had sex with women and wouldn’t rule it out in the future. Interestingly, he reveals that he used to be ‘on the heavier side’ and became interested in appearing in adult entertainment after he focused on getting in-shape. We think he’s done a great job!

Justin wants you to call him a ‘good boy’ while he’s being bad…

Lost me at gay but has had sex with women, dude, you’re Bi. 🙄
So, by that logic, all the guys who identify as “straight” in their Squirt profiles but are looking to hook up with guys are also “Bi?” Didn’t they cover that “identification” issue in the “How to Perfect Your Straight Guy Fuck” article a couple of weeks ago? I mean, I don’t recall you commenting there but the article was pretty clear that “human sexuality is a fairly complex construct. We’re not here to question anyone’s sexuality or undermine how they identify.” If it works for self-identifying straight men, then it applies just as equally to self-identifying gay men.
We are in an era when it’s a lot less of an issue for gay men, but there was a time–not that long ago, actually (and, for SOME men, it does unfortunately remain a reality) when gay men actually got married to and had sex with women. I had a friend who definitely identified as gay but he admitted that there were some women that he found attractive enough that he COULD conceivably have sex with them (I don’t think he ever did but just the mere idea would–by your logic–mean he was bi).
Needs that ass played with.
Yes, please.
Eh. There were some pictures that worked for me but more that just didn’t do anything for me.. (That full-on ass pic, for instance. I noticed the back of his head and there looks like there’s some kind of growth or something on it. Maybe it’s just the angle–we don’t get any other shots of the back of his head–but it’s just a bit off-putting.)
He’s just okay