CHAOS MEN: Buck gets his tongue deep inside Aaron’s hole, and Aaron loves it madly!


CHAOS MEN: Buck gets his tongue deep inside Aaron’s hole, and Aaron loves it madly!
BUck! Oh Yes!
Have to go with Aaron. Even if it weren’t for all that ink (and, really, a tattoo of headphones?), the beard is in definite need of work and that hairstyle is horrible.
Sorry. That criticism (ink, beard and hairstyle) was directed at Buck.
I agree with joeynmtgy8……Aaron’s beard needs to go and a change of hairstyle……the ink is ridiculous……so, it’s Aaron for me too
Ooops! I too meant Buck’s beard needs to go
Aaron for me too. Joeynmtigy8 hit the nail on the head. Buck’s hairstyle, beard, and ridiculous ink are a total turn-off.
I think Buck could be quite hot with the beard trimmed to a scruff and a decent haircut. I don’t even notice the ink.
Aaron Perez. Cute as a button.