MODEL OF THE DAY: Renato @ Lucas Kazan


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LUCAS KAZAN: “Hunks like Renato are the reasons we visit Brazil once or twice a year”, says director Ettore Tosi. Manly, muscular and yet approachable, 26 year old Renato is a ‘natural’ before the camera. Sporting a perennial hard-on and flashing his friendly smile. “I work out 5 or 6 days a week”, he says (it shows!) “And love all sports: judo, surfing, skateboarding…”

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    • I understand your pass because his dick isn’t huge.
      But I can relate to having a dick like that because
      I have a small one too.

      I’d gladly accept his invitation to explore his dick and balls.

  1. Why do furry chested men insist on shaving? Enjoy your manliness. It’s sexy as hell, like his furry man buns.

    • Who said that it’s not manly to shave? It’s very manly and I go to the gym every day and consider myself very manly… I also shave my chest! Also, if he shaves his chest, he’s defo not ‘furry-chested’!
      By the way, he looks even more manly with a couple of day’s chest hair growth 😉

  2. Hot man.
    Tasty cock,balls and arse and lovely smile.
    I want him deep in my arse if he’s willing.

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