Model Of The Day: WOODY FOX (@Blake Mason via Arch Noble)


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Gorgeous Australian traveller Woody Fox doesn`t know it, but we`re not letting him go home. Seriously, if we get our hands on his passport we`ll burn it! This gay guy is so hot, but although he claims to be vanilla and talks about romance, after watching him stroking the cum from his 7 inch uncut cock and really getting into it, we`re not so sure he`s so mainstream after all! BLAKEMASON

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  1. Thin small cock; cheap ten-cent tattoo; he’s on his way to the Don Jail, or he was just released and found in Cawthra Square Park.

  2. Lurker, you wouldn’t happen to have been that guy I saw getting fucked by a horse, would you?

    Because, that’s pretty much the only excuse for you finding every single human cock under the sun to be too small.

  3. Very sexy man! You get dealt the cock you have, big – small – thin – fat, etc. Look a bit deeper! It ain’t the size it’s how it’s handled. Nice to see someone who isn’t all tatted up, doesn’t shave the hair he was given and in my book thank goodness escaped the knife.

  4. Lush model, awesome website!

    Blakemason is one of the finest UK porn sites. Why? It promotes safer sex and (in my view) it is excellent value for money.

  5. He’s hot hot hot! @lurker86 Stop being such a prick on every post man, if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Also don’t know why people seem to bash tattoos on here so much, they look good if they’re done right I say! 🙂

  6. @lurker86, you are a shrivelled up old man who will never look like that. I’m sure you never even looked that good in your hey day. Stop hating cos no one that hot will give you the time of day geez!

  7. check out lurker’s profile
    says he is toned… sorry dolls ! no tone …and a gut…
    nothing wrong with that but it aint the truth ..or any prettier than the sexy dude on this post… I like Woodys slim cock… really sexy..and the rest. a beautiful dude in his prime. why not celebrate it ?
    he has an honest natural look……why is it that some people need to stomp on someone else so they can feel ok about themselves ?

  8. Not only is Woody Fox sexy as hell, he is also a sweetheart. Most of my favorite porn stars are retired now, but he is easily in my top three still working!!!

  9. Beautiful man!

    Lurker reminds me of a whiner called masculine male, or some double pronouncement of him having a peepee. He bitched about most pix , thought he was funny, and didn’t. have a pix

    Attention starved?

  10. It was ‘MaculineFoothillsMan’ I think.

    I actually believed he and Lurker were the same person, Since they started posting and agreeing with each other towards the end of Maculine’s reign of terror.

  11. Too bad he shaves his body, would be real nice to see a normal guys body growth, not trimmed, that is why we are MEN, not GIRLY BOYS.
    Show some real Men with natural Beauty and no shaving at all.

  12. ^What few hair I get on my torso never get’s longer than about 1/4″, and looks very similar to what he has (In general appearance, not quantity).
    Not all men have the same hair, so why automatically assume he trims or shaves?

    And, no. We are MEN because we produce testosterone, don’t have mammaries, and have penises. Consider that body hair growth is determined by a non gender-specific genetic trait (Not dependant on testosterone).

    I have no issue with your preferences, your attractions, likes, or whatever. Those are your things. However, it seriously disgusts me to hear phrases such as ‘real men’, especially when they are based on things that are often purely genetic or otherwise out of the person’s control.

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