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  1. How wonderful to see that there was a time when men enjoyed looking like men and stayed away from a razor!!!!

  2. Back when MEN were MEN & fiercly & hairily Proud of it!! He is my kinda man—hairy & masculine A great big Growl goes out to those vintage photos. Hairy Clay

  3. I am amazed how much he looks like my life partner…he passed away several years ago but seeing these pics sure made me feel good about how lucky I was.

  4. The Golden Age of porn was filled with hairy, naturally masculine men. I grew up riding and was always around this look. Why gays went sideways with the metrosexual thing baffles me. Vintage is nice, but guys like this are still around. Go to a local gay rodeo to find a live one. See the IGRA(International Gay Rodeo Assoc.) for the events calendar. There’s the AGRA Rodeo south of Phoenix, 2/14-16/14. A nice Winter getaway. Then the GSGRA puts on the L.A. Rodeo, LA Equestrian Ctr., Easter weekend, 4/19-20/14. Watch the cowboys ride horses during the day and ride a cowboy at night…some of them ‘buck’ pretty ‘hard’.

  5. i miss those days…when i came out in the ’70s this is just what gay guys aspired to look like…hot!…no wonder we were fucking everywhere…it was so easy then…make eye contact and slip off to any sort-of private place…it was a great time to be queer…

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