Hot straight guy Ondra Faber is so very handsome…


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… Not only handsome but with a very good body too, as well as other wonderful attributes. We get to enjoy ourselves as Ondra gradually strips off to show his wares. WILLIAM HIGGINS

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  1. lucky girls .. get all the best lads .. a sucker for the straight lads .. must be the unavailability.. hes defo my type the boy next door look .. nothing i don’t like about him

  2. Cute boy … but not a chance he’s “straight” with shaved pits and trimmed pubes. Maybe bi if he fucks girls sometimes

    • Right. ‘Cause straight men never do anything that gay men have done. There was a time when only “fags” wore earrings (at all) and had long hair. By the 80s, wearing one earring was something a lot of younger straight men were doing. Today, you can usually find straight men sporting at least one earring (at the very least, a stud or chip) in both earlobes. And, gay men are as likely today to be sporting buzz cut hair styles as straight guys. Straight guys, especially younger ones, are finding that straight girls like them to keep their body hair neat and trimmed.

      I also find it hilarious that some gay men get so worked up over a guy’s trimming or removing unwanted body hair. Beards and mustaches are “natural” as well, but most men shave those every single day. A lot of men shave their heads completely as a fashion statement (not just because they’re going bald). You don’t see complaints and griping about shaving above the neckline. But, below the body line? Somehow, that leads to “offense against nature” and “not looking for little boys” type comments–even though male swimmers and bodybuilders, for decades, routinely shaved everything below the neckline FOR their sport (body hair causes friction which can be devastating when competition is measured in hundredths of a second; for bodybuilders, you don’t want to spend hours getting perfectly defined pecs and abs only to have that definition hidden by a thick mat of fur) and no one had problems with that.

  3. so often we are told that X is straight ,,, I suspect it’s just a tease … real straight guys would hardly be likely to parade before the world their cocks and arseholes …

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