Who Would You Choose? Jordan (L) or Locelyn (R)?


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  1. Can I have both? One in front and one in back, or is that one in back and one in front?

  2. No choice necessary here. Choosing is impossible. Both, period. Its like asking, do you suck dick or cock?

  3. I will like have both the men for sex with me for 3 way.We will have lots sex and shower and naked together.

  4. both very hot….would prefer more info (cock pics) before choosing…otherwise would pick left…jordan, he does look FUCKING hot

  5. It’s Jocelyn with a J, not Locelyn. And for the record, they are both really sweet guys… ;P

  6. Jordan please. He is fucking hot! I would be happy to remove those undies. Jordan was so over dressed for the photo shoot.

  7. None of the above..I don’t date muscle men. They are too vain, can’t live without mirrors and only want body worship. Theirs. Not to mention they would rather spend all their time in a gym than in a relationship. “OH, don’t you think I look great? What do you think of my muscles?” etc..blah blah blan

  8. OMG…. that’s not a choice that’s torture… how bout I’m just blindfold and then they can do the choosing

  9. Most certainly JORDAN . No other choice and I am adamant about it…
    I wish he was also blond, What pubic hair he would have…….

  10. No question about it..Mr Left… Providing he could stand up to the job.. because it WOULD be a job with ny hot mouth and ass hole

  11. I would treat both of them to a ride and blow job they would never forget for a long time-both of them yummy

  12. LURKER86. OOOPS….He’s not on the Menu. Ok…Right, and have the guy on the left bring us fresh lube and towels 😉

  13. “None of the above..I don’t date muscle men. They are too vain, can’t live without mirrors and only want body worship. Theirs. Not to mention they would rather spend all their time in a gym than in a relationship. “OH, don’t you think I look great? What do you think of my muscles?” etc..blah blah blan”

    1. These guys HARDLY qualify as ‘muscle men’ unless your definition of the term is anyone who even dares set foot in a gym or dare lift a single weight.

    2. Spend all their time in a gym? At the least, a respectable body can be built with a one hour session a few days a week. Even the most obsessed guy would rarely break 2 hours and go more than five days. I understand how a brilliantly popular socialite like yourself may not have the hour and a half to better your body and health, but no need to knock us poor chums who DO have the time.

    “neither thanks – probably both pumped up on steroids”

    Another idiot. Really really fucking stupid thing to say. If either of these guys is on steroids, they’re doing it wrong.

  14. Jordan hands down DICK UP ;P he’s a keeper, butt Locelyn woodn’t be a bad FUCK either 😉

  15. I am going to say neither as well, these guys to me aren’t that muscular nor manly. They’re just stuck up and even look stuckup. They’re decent looking but a turning. I prefer the manly Raging Stallion models.

  16. I am going to say neither as well, these guys to me aren’t that muscular nor manly. They’re just stuck up and even look stuckup. They’re decent looking but a complete turnoff to me. I prefer the manly Raging Stallion models.

  17. sorry my bad i meant RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT…left could place himself in my mouth but RIGHT would be the only one fucking me!

  18. I really hard choice – but as there seem to be more votes for Jordan I have Locelyn just so he doesn’t feel left out

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