ACTIVE DUTY: Our undisciplined privates Ryan Jordan and Daniel Greene dressed inappropriately for their major. They will have to lose their clothes rapidly and will get on sucking dick duty.

Big dicked #RyanJordan has some fun with sexy @TheDanielGreene in this hot new video from #ActiveDuty! https://t.co/RDuAR3TDqj #gayporn #gaystuds #militaryporn @XxxWalden pic.twitter.com/bl2uYbku6b
— Active Duty (@ActiveDutyx) November 29, 2020
There cocks stand at attention.
definately hottt fit bois fucking well together.YUMMMMM!
I’ll take the top guy
Be more enjoyable without the distracting ink on both guys.
Not for me.
Fucking hot
top lad for me
I will sign up for active duty with both of them!!!!! Woof Woof
like them 2 especially the passive guy
now we know why, men stay in the closet, with these two………next please
Stereotyped contradictions. Bois acting, excuse me dressing up like paramilitary somethings, and fucking. It takes more than camo netting and some GI Joe military surplus items laying around to actually be genuinely masculine.
But nice body and boi cock.