George Clooney… Ball Ironing! (via Queerty)


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Partially good and bad news for gay men fantasizing about being intimate with George Clooney in the future: He can deal with the crow’s feet on your face, but one thing he absolutely cannot deal with are the crow’s feet on your testicles.

In a recent interview with Italy’s Max Magazine, Clooney said “I’ve never fixed my eyes, but I spent more money to stretch the skin of my testicles. I did not like the wrinkles.”

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The technique, he says, is called “ball ironing,” and “many people in Hollywood have done it.” We demand photos before we believe it.

In other news, a large number of media outlets are now “reporting” that George Clooney, in 10 hours flat, has inspired a ball ironing “craze” across the globe. Just like that time David Beckham inspired men around the globe to elongate their penises.

Full story here @ QUEERTY
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  1. My father did not had wringle balls but I do not know if he is ironing them or natural. I was too young to know.

  2. Ball ironing? What matters is how much they produce. Wrinkled balls are now a problem? Vanity all is vanity.
    Now I wish that were Clooney’s cock but it is not. Who is the lucky guy?

  3. The head does not match the body. Poor Photoshop picture. And how exactly does one “iron” one’s ball sack?

  4. Only here in La-La land! Clooney was poking fun at the latest treatment for one of a long list of imaginary problems that plague the self absorbed and neurotic beautiful sheeple. Nurse Jamie(Sherrill) has made a fortune from the pilgrims to her botox temple, Beauty Park Spa, on trendy Montana Ave. For a mere $475+tip, she’ll smooth, not eliminate, the wrinkles in your wrinkled nut sack with lasers. Of course, she recommends re-treatment every 4 weeks to maintain this perfection (and her bank account!).
    Just as we saw people who were too cheap to go to a plastic surgeon and self-injected bathroom silicone, some poor idiot is taking this literally and laying his junk on an ironing board somewhere….film at eleven…ouch! Lol! Another local surgeon will laser those unsightly hairs and sculpt and tighten your sphincter to it’s youthful, perfect pucker so your rosebud glows in a weed-free valley. Oh to have the time to worry about such things….

  5. Wow, shocked that we have to get all butthurt over obvious photoshop work. It’s for the point of the article. Lighten up Divas! That said, I wish this were real!!!! YUMMMMMMMY!!!!

  6. I think that George Will be safe also so he need to very good man for the sex so he can be naked in his bed.I liked George’s picture of him .I want to meet him .

  7. George Clooney can only wish this were him.

    And I’ve yet to meet a man — of any age — who has complained about his (or some other guy’s) wrinkled ball sac. Tattoos? Yes. Manscaping? Yes. Skin on his (or some other guy’s) balls? No.

    Just when I thought I’d heard it all ….

  8. OK, lets face it George dosn’t have a body like that.. In spite, I think that he is gay and dose a good job hiding it, George I think would disapoint most in the nudity world he dosn’t have what this model has.. Take it from some one his age and that has keep himself in good condition, The body dose change guys and that is a body of a man much younger!!!

  9. So you get your scrotum ironed, and the hair removed, it’s smooth as a babies bottom? Good God!

  10. I wish I had those pictures in my Photoshop. I would’ve matched the head to the body perfectly.

  11. I don’t give a shit, it’s a handsome face, hot body and a great cock, what more could one want. Well George himself. 🙂

  12. You do think that they would have found a body that was closer to George’s age—-in regular photos of him–you see he has grey chest hairs—it wasn’t a very good job of using Photoshop. With all the crazy things that the Hollywood and other rich elites do to themselves to try to fight off the effects of aging–it would not be so farfetched that they would do something like this if it could be done. Why can’t people just accept the fact–that the beauty of youth is fleeting and in the grand scheme of things—only lasts a moment and most of our lives—we spend in states that are far less than perfect???

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