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It’s gonna be good.

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  1. You guys at Squirt are the best! Life is dead without new and different stuff! Normal is BORING, New is awesome!!!

  2. Sounds fun, hopefully you can make it much more entertaining that the daily newsletter Manhunt puts out. It got boring fast. 😛

  3. omg!looking forward to offering my servicing abilities to lotsa clean hung guys!!! a hard man is good to find!!! always!!!!!

  4. i need a man to come fuck me now n evry day ill be his slave n do anything he wants me to n i mean anything xxx

  5. I enjoy squirt but making contacts can be crummy. Alot of guys just will not respond. It’s not Squirt’s fault though.

  6. ^skf ^sd This blog has great possibilities, it sound’s like everyone who has responded is worked up, & horny, lol, ^bfk ^sd

  7. This will be great. I have met a few really nice guys on here^skf^gh that love getting head and I am just the guy to do that.

    Can’t wait to blog about when my men stop by for a good blow job.

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