Devin Draz & Mikey Fuck Jake


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  1. DAMN!!!! i so wish that were me instead of jake. mikey and devin are wicked hot! i’d bottom for either or both in a heartbeat!

  2. So what’s up with asking the guy if he likes white meat or dark meat? And then he replies “White meat.” The conversation started out OK about the acceptance of gays by younger people. Mikey needs to get his head out of the sands of racist remarks or I would have walked off of the set and told him to kiss my white ass. I was OK with this video until he made this comment. Dirty Tony does not need comments like this on a gay website where all kinds of men like to make love to several races. I can respect what Mikey likes and think that he did not mean any harm. But a persons perception is their reality and someone else might think differently.Dirty Tony needs to nix comments in videos made such as this no matter hoe “HOT” Mikey might be.

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