FUNKY FOREST : After School Club


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This is one of the most bizarre scenes you will ever see in a movie… seriously.
Punch bag testicles, milky nipples, a bloodsucker… and a girl with a tennis racket.

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from IMDB:

"Nothing can prepare you even if you get a description. Very bizarre set pieces with little or no connection that was apparent to this viewer. The segments sometimes have weird grotesque imagery and sometimes are extremely commonplace. The stories follow no conventional narrative form and end in unexpected ways.

While the film doesn’t have the drive of an equally strange film, "Survive Style +5", it does have a pleasant tone despite the repeated scenes with fleshy deformities, men with cow-like nipples, giant orifices and excrement like excretions. A lot of people will be turned off but the film holds a number of unexpected delights."

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