Hairy Ass Rimming or Hairless Ass Rimming? Your thoughts?


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Hey, you already know that Sgt. Coach is all about his tongue & cock hittin’ hairy puckers. Love feeling the soft hairs caress my tongue while I taste a dude’s rain forest area. A dude’s lubed asshole hairs daintily grabbing hold of your hard dick when you pump him… a beautiful thing. Picking out a few hairs in your mouth after a good salad tossing… no problem, I like the messiness of sex.

A naturally hairless ass crack is mighty fine as well… you really feel the velvety anus texture… like fine soft suede. But I really can’t stand a razor stubbled asshole. It just doesn’t do it for me. What do you guys like when it comes to ass rimming?

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  1. To be blunt, sick to death of the hair vs no hair issue here, on Horsey’s-the naked celeb site & everywhere else. I can respect the various views but I’m sick of guys feeling their POV is exclusive or everyone should agree. Who cares? I’ve messed with guys that are naturally hairy, trimmed or barely have hair-naturally. It blows me away body hair seems to take precedence over sex/love making. To me, and this is just my POV-this debate has almost surpassed the inadequacy feelings guys used to have over dick size. Pow! Here’s the Internet…I’m pretty normal (or more than) after all. So now let’s move on to….I know! Body hair! I’m pretty fuzzy. I trimmed my bush & chest. Why? Trimmed crotch stays drier & less stinky. I sweat a lot & prefer it to be trimmed & less rank. Chest, well my chest hair just isn’t appealing. I have been known to trim my pits for the sake of the deodorant getting closer to the skin but I have a hairy armpit fetish & it turns me on. On occassion I’ve licked my own armpit hair when jacking off. It makes me so hard! To sum it up, its more of who the man is, if we have a connection vs hair. That’s just so far down the list. Trimmed is nicer. I don’t mind per se pulling hairs out. Getting one stuck in the back of your throat, not so much. Keep in mind, just sharing my POV. Don’t expect everyone to agree.

  2. I have to say my answer is a combination of mike3c and meatlover51, odd as it sounds. I definitely prefer no hair. Smooth skin is so sexy, even moreso when the guy has delicious muscles. But I have been with hairier guys and as much as I hate picking hairs off my tongue almost every time I even lick a guy’s body, It honestly is not a deal-breaker for me.

  3. Wow!!! SicilianMikey why dont you tell us how you really feel lol. My opion is that ever ass is different and as long as its clean Ill gladly eat it, lick it or let you bounce on my hard tongue for as long as yu want.

  4. Oh my, I love rimming hot ass. Give me an ass that not a gorilla covered ass. I do like a little hair,Ii will eat and tongue hot sexy boy ass for hours. Just put that hot ass in front of my mouth and I will stick my tongue deep in those hot asses…..YUM

  5. I like smooth on the bottom boys and hairy on the alpha tops. But really, just a nice ass to use as a pillow is all I need.

  6. i love no hair but moderate is ok… as long has can run my tongue along their ass crack and French kiss that hole…hmmmmmm Love to make them moan!

  7. I love to feel the hair in my mouth and if a guy is exceptionally hairy in that region I take some between my teeth and give it a ‘tease’ – you shuld try it !!

  8. you don’t need to use 17 lbs of soap while showering, because tasting soap anywhere on a guy’s body is no fun.

    hair in your mouth? well don’t let your lack of creativity stop you dead in your tracks, you have a job to finish 😛

  9. dont get me wrong, i like a bit of hair on a guy but when licking the ass….. i dont wanna have bits of toilet roll or whatever else down my throat :-S so with the ass bare and clean gives the better performance and best results and a better tasting hole to lick 😉 mmmmmmmmmmm sexyyyyyyyyyyy

  10. Imagining titillating that mass of hunky masculine hairyness with the tip of my tongue? YES YES YES! Chicken-plucked/waxed.. big turn off for me. Hairy or not, natural is what I really like.

  11. really does it matter? as long as I can make you squirm in delight and anticipation who the hell cares? if its a hairy forest or a smooth desert plain as long as I can taste your ass.

  12. I prefer hairy but Damn some of the smooths look good too..jeez Ass Man here so hard to say…no two butts are the same…lol

  13. “real men have fur, grrrr, hairy hole for me!”

    If you want to play that game, real men are also straight, since the major purpose of a male in the species is to procreate.

    Honestly, I loathe the concept of a ‘real man’, particularly amongst us gay men. You’d think that after all we’ve suffered by the way of being called ‘girly’ and ‘less-of-a-man’ for being attracted to the same sex that it would BROADEN our minds to understand the FACT that a real-man is not body-hair and acting tough and emotionless. I have a penis: THAT makes me a real man. If I remove my body hair it doesn’t make me any less of a man than if I’m hairier than Richard Simmon’s love-child with Robin Williams. I have a five and a half inch cock. But if that makes me less of a man that a guy with ten inches, then I imagine there’s a lot of guys here who are a lot less man then they claim to be.

    Of course there’s nothing wrong with being attracted to these characteristics. No more than there’s anything wrong with being attracted to guys with soft features, or guys who are slender as opposed to beefy/muscular. what IS WRONG is stigmatising those who don’t adhere to these characteristics as less-of-a-man. The greatest quality of a MAN is confidence. If I see a guy with a beefy body, hair all over, a tough attitude and an embarrassing need to PUSH his ‘manliness’ on others and attack those who aren’t ‘manly’ according to him, I don’t see a man. If a guy has a slender smooth body, a pretty face, takes care of his appearance, even if it’s at the risk of appearing ‘feminene’ to some, and he his fully confident of himself and has no qualms with who he is or what he looks like, THAT IS A MAN!

    Anyone else want this soapbox? I’m done with it.

  14. Trimmed hair is nicer in your opinion, SicilianMikey, but not in everyone else’s. I like a guy with a full bush and I’ve been with enough guys to know that a full bush != sweaty smell.

    Really I couldn’t give a rats ass ( hairy or not ) what other guys like except for the guy I’m with. If he likes my body and I like his then that’s all that matters.

  15. Agree that “natural” is usually best. If you’re the rare dude with a smooth asshole, cool. If you’re like most of us and there’s hair down there, cool. Agreed that some hair is a visual turn-on. Fuck, haven’t rimmed a hole in a long time and now I really want to!!

  16. the boy with the smooth ass and legs in the air, i just wanna cum on his hole a little and them slide in, using my cum as lube and fuck him till i fill up his tight butt – he’s so hot

  17. I should clear something up. I trim for me, no one else. I’m home a lot and year around while home I freeball. I trim because the smell is quite ripe after a day of cooking, cleaning, generally being active and so on. I don’t buzz it all off, just clean up. And, being honest I’m a grower and I prefer my hairs not to get caught as junior shrinks and grows-I’m not saying hardons, just general happenings. Here’s a hot tidbit many may not know and it kinds sucks I miss out since I trim: next time you’re jacking off, if your pubes are long enough, tug them. Tug them to the point just before it hurts. If you can, do so as you cum. The feeling is INSANE! I’ve shared this before and guys are blown away! Grab as little or as much as you can. I’d be shocked if you try this and not get off on it!

  18. Totally smooth, moderately hairy (but as someone pointed out already, stubble isn’t very nice down there)– either way, rimming is the most sensual and intimate thing you can do with a guy.

  19. Sgt. Coach Sir, I have enjoyed this feature since it began – Thank you. I do miss the videos though. A Suggestion if I may, Sir –
    I would like to be able to “agree” with a comment, as the like feature on facebook.
    Aloha, Kahuna
    PS Give me a hairy Bear every time.

  20. As long as he’s clean, give me the hairy ass any day of the week. Stiblle on a man’s face is hot, but not on his ass or his pubes. To each his own…but I’d rather have my nose and cheeks tickled!

  21. Prefer to rim hairless butt tho I prefer being rimmed. Any guys wanna get their tongue up my send me a message. 😉

  22. Wow! Nice photos!

    A bunch of years ago before I got into this stuff, I was at a family swin in the Y. While waiting on a bench a pretty hairy guy about 35 or so came in and started to towel off. I happened to look over as he was drying his ankles and my dick twinged. Looked a lot like the bent over shot you put up, but hairier like the pic above it. After that I couldn’t stop thinking about it. So far no luck finding one, but someday…

    I have to agree with all the ‘natural’ comments. Leave it how it’s supposed to be. I’ve seen some hairy guys who shave their crotch area and it looks odd to say the least. As far as ass goes, I’m all for a nice hairy hole to tongue!

  23. Log as that hot ass is clean and hot I’m not gonna turn it down, but prefer it in a natural state from smooth to furry. Trimmed is okay but I agree with Coach, I hate getting beard burn from a shaving stubble. I guess if I had a choice I’d say my ‘dream’ guy has a moderately furry ass and bush. Yummy! 🙂

  24. Love both, as long as they are clean or just home from the gym after working out. Love to smell the musk of a hot muscle man.

  25. “.. what’s rimming??”

    Lot’s of careful planning and cleaning in real-life for a good dozen minutes of subjective pleasure.

    And a spontaneous act require no prep in porn. And for some reason the bottom always rims the top.

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